All Wines Malbec Miles from Nowhere Margaret River Malbec 2023
Miles from Nowhere Margaret River Malbec

Miles from Nowhere Margaret River Malbec 2023

Relatively rare Margaret River Malbec from Franklin Tate's high-performing Miles from Nowhere.

RRP 3,360 Points / bottle
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RRP 3,360 Points / bottle
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$203.88 OR 32,628 Points

Description Miles from Nowhere is owned by Franklin and Heather Tate. Franklin’s father John was the “Tate” in WA’s pioneering Evans & Tate brand, and Franklin opened the winery when he returned to the Margaret River in ’07. The name is a tribute to the long journey Franklin’s ancestors made over 100 years ago from Eastern Europe to Australia, and is a very highly regarded Margaret River estate. A mixture of older and younger Malbec vines provide the fruit for this relatively rare Margaret River Malbec. Find blackberry, mulberry and dark plum flavours, with milk chocolate oak, with firm but integrated tannins, along with earthy, savoury notes and a long, ripe juiciness on the finish.

Wine File
Colour: Red
Grape: Malbec
Wine Style: Red - Medium Bodied
Country: Australia
Region: Margaret River
Vintage: 2023
Cellaring: 2 - 5 years
Alcohol: 14.2%
Bottle Size: 750.0ml
Food Pairing
Margaret River
Margaret River
Margaret River

Renowned for its surf breaks, Margaret River is also famous for its wine production and tourism. Margaret River wines account for just 3% of Australia’s annual wine production, but commands over 20 percent of the Australian premium wine market.

Little wonder the wines are rather pricey in nature. The region is made up of boutique wineries. The weather is maritime, with warm summers, influenced by refreshing sea breezes and strong winds and rather akin to Bordeaux.

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